Our parish community welcomes those interested in celebrating their wedding at St. Peter the Apostle. In the sacrament of marriage, a man and women pledge their love before God in the presence of the community, vowing to journey together as partners for life. The Church sees in the commitment of marriage a symbol of Christ’s love and devotion to his Church. It takes seriously the never-ending covenant that this bond implies.
A commitment of this nature takes thought and preparation. Couples who wish to celebrate their marriage at St. Peter the Apostle should contact the parish at least six months in advance of the date they have in mind. Parish staff is ready to assist couples through the marriage preparation process, the completion of the required documentation for the Diocese, and the planning of the wedding liturgy.
St. Peter's parishioners will have first priority in scheduling wedding dates. We will accept requests for wedding dates from non-parishioners depending on facility availability and with the pastor’s approval. Click on the link to the left for information regarding the marriage preparation process and wedding service planning.
To schedule a wedding, call the Parish Center at 630-773-1272 (ext. 200). It is advisable for couples to schedule their wedding with the church before booking a reception hall, as not all dates and times may be available at St. Peter the Apostle.