St. Peter the Apostle Pastoral Team
The Pastoral Team is the group of people who are involved in parish ministry on a day-to-day basis. Each member of the Pastoral Team shares in the total responsibility for pastoral ministry in the parish, as well as specializing in his or her own task. The staff responsibilities of St. Peter the Apostle Parish correspond to the Church’s activities of proclamation, sacramental/liturgical life, initiation/adult formation, Christian formation, education, and youth ministry.

Reverend Father Tuan Nguyen
telephone: 630-773-1272 (ext. 208)
The Pastor is the shepherd of the parish. He exercises pastoral care in the community entrusted to him under the authority of the diocesan bishop in whose ministry of Christ he has been called to share. He carries out the duties of teaching, sanctifying and governing with the cooperation of other priests, deacons and lay members of the Christian faith community.
The Pastor has the obligation to see that the Word of God is proclaimed and that the Eucharistic liturgy is the center of the faith community. He has the responsibility to see to the Catechetical formation of the community, with special attention to the Catholic education of children and young adults. In service to the community, he is to give special care to the sick, the dying, the poor, the afflicted and the lonely.

Frederick Maier
Deacon/Director of Liturgy
telephone: 630-773-1272 (ext. 201)
The Director of Liturgy has the responsibility of coordinating the liturgical planning for the faith community. This includes training and scheduling Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers and Ushers.
The Director of Liturgy is also involved with the Committee on Art and Environment, which visually prepares the worship space for the various liturgical seasons. The Director is the primary consultant to individuals and families in the planning of weddings and funerals. In conjunction with the Director of Religious Education, the Director of Liturgy prepares and coordinates First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation liturgies, as well as other Religious Education worship needs.

Deacon Anthony George
telephone: NA
The role of the permanent Deacon is one of service. The Deacon assists the community by bringing to its attention the needs of its members who are sick or confined. At liturgy the Deacon’s role is to assist the presider and to proclaim the Gospel. In addition, at St. Peter’s the Deacon assists parents in preparing to baptize their children, coordinates marriage preparation for engaged couples, attends wake services, makes hospital visits, leads days of reflection and Bible Studies and presides at non-Eucharistic prayer.

Robert Ziomek
telephone: NA
The role of the permanent Deacon is one of service. The Deacon assists the community by bringing to its attention the needs of its members who are sick or confined. At liturgy the Deacon’s role is to assist the presider and to proclaim the Gospel. In addition, at St. Peter’s the Deacon assists parents in preparing to baptize their children, coordinates marriage preparation for engaged couples, attends wake services, makes hospital visits, leads days of reflection and Bible Studies and presides at non-Eucharistic prayer.

Father Larry Brunette
Assisting Priest
telephone: NA
email: NA
Assists with weekday and weekend Masses and confessions

Toni Pietrowski
Director of Religious Education
telephone: 630-773-1272 (ext. 216)
The Director of Religious Education (DRE) is responsible for the Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning religious education programs. This involves recruiting and training catechists and volunteers, administration of the program and supervision of the curriculum and the catechists.
The DRE also coordinates sacramental preparation of children baptized as infants for the completion of their initiation into the faith with the celebration of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.

Kathy Frank
DRE Assistant
telephone: 630-773-1272 (ext. 215)
The DRE Assistant works closely with the Director of Religious Education (DRE) in all aspects of coordination of the Religious Education program.

Roberta Moroz
Director of Music Ministry
The Director of Music Ministry plans and prepares the worship music for St. Peter the Apostle parish. To enable and enhance the community’s sung prayer, the Director trains musicians and leads choirs, cantors and the assembly at weekend and holy day Masses, special sacramental liturgies and any additional prayer services requiring music.
The Director is responsible for the scheduling of musicians and oversees and coordinates all aspects of the parish music program.

Missy Rubino
Business Manager
telephone: 630-773-1272 (ext. 204)
The Parish Accountant assists the Pastor with the physical, financial and personnel resources of the parish, in accordance with diocesan policies and guidelines.
The Parish Accountant values the stewardship and responsible management of the gifts generously given to the parish and helps the Church fulfill its mission and purpose. The Parish Accountant shares monthly and annual accounting reports and budget forecasts with the Pastor and the members of the Parish Finance Council.

Diane Blackburn
Bulletin/Communications Coordinator
telephone: 630-773-1272 (ext. 200)
The Bulletin/Communications Coordinator is responsible for all parish communications-related activities, including bulletin, electronic newsletters, website, social media, e-mail, promotional materials, news media, etc., as well as administrator and point-of-contact for parish organization leaders/liaisons.
The Coordinator also enhances awareness and promotion of parish-wide events and programs to parishioners as well as the general public, when appropriate.

Denise Panettone
Parish Secretary
telephone: 630-773-1272 (ext. 200)
The Parish Secretary welcomes and assists vistitors to the Parish Center, manages phone calls, and maintains the parish calendar, as well as general day-to-day office operations. Additionally, the Parish Secretary assists parishioners with registration, baptismal arrangements and requests for sacramental records.