Knights of Columbus
Council 10884 - Itasca
551 N. Rush Street
Itasca, Illinois 60143

All parishioners are invited to join the Knights of Columbus for the annual Advent Wreath-making program.

Teaming up with the Parish for the annual St. Vincent DePaul and Itasca Food Pantry collection drive.

All parishioners are invited to join the Knights of Columbus for the annual Advent Wreath-making program.
Nick Alfano, Grand Knight
Father Tuan Nguyen, Chaplain
Deacon Anthony George, Spiritual Advisor
Deacon Fred Maier, Spiritual Advisor
Deacon Bob Ziomek, Spiritual Advisor
Edgar Garcia, Deputy Grand Knight
Thomas Kryger, Immediate Past Grand Knight
Frank Vale, Financial Secretary
Mike Nehf, Treasurer
Mike Cummins, Recording Secretary
Mike Fink, Chancellor
Bill Kolf, Advocate
Jim Ferenzi, Warden
Melvin Gerard, Inside Guard
William McGarr, Outside Guard
Thomas Kryger, Three Year Trustee
Ralph Fortino, Two Year Trustee
Karl Schmidt, One Year Trustee
Deacon Fred Maier, Lecturer
Hugo Cabadas, District Deputy
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Fraternal Organization in the world with over 1.7 million members. St. Peter the Apostle's council has close to 100 members and operates under the guiding principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. We operate locally, but support community and national causes, such as disaster relief, coats for kids, the Tootsie Roll drive for the intellectually disabled, and the baby bottle campaign for Women’s Choice Services.
upcoming events
Knights of Columbus
Ukraine Solidarity Fund
Your gift today will provide temporary shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing, communications and religious supplies. These items will all be immediately distributed, and 100% of your gift will go directly to these displaced people.
Join us today in supporting Ukraine Solidarity Fund!
To further your impact, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council has promised to match every dollar up to $500,000.
Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to this effort. Your gift of any amount will go a long way in helping our brothers and sisters. Together, we can bring Christ's healing love to a wounded world.