St. Peter the Apostle Parish Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is a select group of individuals appointed to consult with and advise the Pastor in the administration and stewardship of parish finances. The Council is responsible for preparing and presenting the annual budget, meeting monthly to review parish income and expenditures, and providing parishioners with annual reports of the financial position of the parish. Members are appointed by the Pastor in accordance with Canon Law based on their expertise in accounting, finance, investment, budget and law.
Kevin Grisamore
KEVIN GRISAMORE is a CPA and has 25 years of experience in accounting and financial reporting for industrial and financial organizations. Kevin is currently the AVP and Corporate Controller for TTX Corporation, a private railroad company in Chicago. Kevin and his wife, Sheila, have been residents of Itasca and parishioners at St. Peter the Apostle since 1994. They have two grown children, Kristen and Samuel. Kevin has been with the Finance Council since 2006. He was also a member of the Capital Campaign Committee and serves as a Lector.
Terry Camp
TERRY CAMP has been a parishioner of St. Peters for 27 years. She is a retired CPA with a master's degree in accounting. In addition to the Finance Council, Terry has participated in many ministries and organizations, including the Capital Campaign Committee, Transitional Housing, Gardening, Bereavement, and Mum Sales. She assists with weekly collection counting and posting contributions, and is also a cantor and member of the choir. Terry has two daughters, one daughter-in law, and nine grandchildren who are her joy.
Chris Kunze
CHRIS KUNZE and his wife, Karen, have been parishioners for 18 years and both are actively involved in the parish and community. Both are on the Arts and Environment committee. Chris also serves as a lector, is on the Finance Committee and is past Co-chair of the Capital Campaign Committee which raised funding for the new church. He also volunteers weekly with several others to maintain the parish grounds. Chris holds a BS in Finance, as well as an MBA. Chris has recently retired, but served as COO, CFO and president of several public and private companies.
Jim Wuerffel
JIM WUERFFEL and his wife, Linda, have been active members of the parish since 1976. Lin has been on several committees and has been in the bell choir since its inception. Jim has served on the Parish Council, Capital Campaign Committee, and Facilities Committee; he was also a key figure with the new church building committee and is a former cantor and choir member. Jim currently volunteers to help maintain the parish grounds/buildings and is a member of the Finance Committee. Jim is currently retired. He holds a BS and MS degree in education and was formerly a high school teacher and department chair at Gordon Tech, and facility director at school district 64 in Park Ridge.