Parish Mission Statement and Goals
We, the people of St. Peter the Apostle, a Roman Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Joliet, a faith-filled people, united in the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist, strive to be the Body of Christ. We manifest our unity through the celebration of the Sacraments.
We pledge to use our gifts and resources to live the Faith, preach the Word, and Service others as we welcome all into our faith community.
Worship and Community
Improve opportunities to bring parishioners together in worship, religious formation, mutual support, activity, and growth in an effort to foster an environment of hospitality where our celebration of community can thrive.
Leadership (Shared Responsibility)
Develop dedicated lay leadership to help parishioners fulfill their Baptismal call, so that the Body of Christ may flourish.
Service and Stewardship
Provide and publicize opportunities within parish ministries for parishioners to share their gifts and resources in the same spirit of generosity as modeled by our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Evangelization (Effective Communication)
Improve our methods and effectiveness of proclaiming the good news at St. Peter’s to promote an environment of inclusion and participation of all parishioners.
Word (Education and Religious Formation)
Enhance spiritual growth and educational opportunities for parishioners of all ages.
St. Peter The Apostle Parish History
St. Peter the Apostle Parish was founded by Bishop Martin McNamara on June 11, 1956, assigning Father Sylvester Mulloy, also pastor of St. Joseph parish in Addison, the task of organizing this new parish. Father Mulloy used the gym of Peacock Junior High School (formerly, North School) for Sunday liturgy and the faith community of St. Peter the Apostle in Itasca was born. An assembly of 200 filled the gym to capacity when the first parish Eucharist was celebrated.
In 1957, the ground was broken on our original worship space. Additionally, a rectory was purchased and the school and convent were built so that by 1963, Pastor Fr. Paul Bensen and parishioners had established a strong and growing Roman Catholic parish in Itasca. When designing and building the original church, it was envisioned and built as a temporary structure to serve the needs of the then new parish until such time a permanent and more functional space could be constructed. Sixty years later, our parish is a very different place. Our community now consists of approximately 1,000 families and their needs for a functional and beautiful worship and gathering space were no longer being met by the original structure.
After much prayer and discernment, under the direction and guidance of the Pastor, Father Slawomir “Slawek” Ignasik, the parish boldly embarked on a campaign titled the “Keys to Our New Home.” The campaign provided the avenue to fulfill the vision that the parish founders had some 60 years ago, to build a permanent church that fits the worship and gathering needs of our present and future parishioners. This church will be our legacy for generations to come.
On April 30, 2017, the final Mass – a First Holy Communion – was celebrated in the original church building. Additionally, that day, many gathered for an evening prayer service to reflect on the memories and milestones celebrated in our first home.
The construction of a permanent church had been a dream of St. Peter the Apostle parish from its earliest days. After 60 years of anticipation, the Parish of St. Peter the Apostle joyfully opened the doors to its new church facility. On June 25, 2017, the new church was dedicated at a Mass with Bishop R. Daniel Conlon, the head of the Catholic Diocese of Joliet, presiding over the rite and ceremony.
Today, “Our New Home” stands open to welcome current and future generations of St. Peter the Apostle Parish and all who visit. We continue to grow our vibrant community of faith by which parishioners can answer the call of Christ to serve each other and to live the Gospel message within the parish, as well as, within their wider communities.